ACM SIGOPS is sponsoring a series of summer schools on Advanced Topics in Systems to be held once every two years. The summer schools will feature a teaching staff of well-known researchers and is targeted at Ph.D. students, engineers, and junior faculty. This first summer school will focus on advanced topics in Distributed Systems and is held on the 30th anniversary of the renowned “Arctic’88 Advanced Course on Distributed Systems,” with a target audience of about 120 students. It will be held on the picturesque and secluded island of Sommarøy located in a Norwegian fjord 300 km (200 miles) north of the Arctic circle. The summer school will feature up to five 50-minute lectures a day on August 15, 16, and 17, for a total of 15 lectures. In the evenings we will have social activities and/or poster sessions.

Welcome to the 1st ACM SIGOPS Summer School on Advanced Topics in Systems (SATIS '18) submissions site. For general information, see


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